Adam Aronovich
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Adam Aronovich es Master en Antropología Médica y Salud Global por la Universidad Rovira i Virgili y la Universitat de Barcelona. Es miembro del MARC (Medical Anthropology Research Center) en la URV. Actualmente está realizando trabajo de campo en la Amazonia Peruana, con un interes en las dimensiones social-ecológicas y ambientales de la salud mental y la importancia de la reciprocidad e interdependenica en nuestro bienestar individual y colectivo. Asimismo, coordina la parte cualitativa de un estudio conjunto entre el Temple of the Way of Light, ICEERS y la Beckley Foundation, sobre los efectos terapéuticos de la ayahuasca.
Adam Aronovich holds a Master’s degree in Medical Anthropology and Global Health from a joint program between the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, the Universitat de Barcelona and the CSIC. He is an active member of the Medical Anthropology Research Center in Catalunya, and he is currently doing fieldwork in the Peruvian Amazon, with an interest in the socio-ecological and environmental dimensions of mental health and the importance of reciprocal and interdependent relationships for our individual and collective well-being. He works as the Research and Community Outreach coordinator for the Chaikuni Institute and the Temple of the Way of Light, where he is currently coordinating the qualitative part of a joint study between the Temple of the Way of Light, ICEERS and the Beckley Foundation, on the therapeutic effects of ayahuasca.